With some information about my professional life and my personal interests

Hi there, welcome ! Somehow you arrived at my WordPress site. I’m a self-employed consultant by day time, and for the time being, this is my website. I live in the Netherlands, and I am an expert in seismic acquisition methods and in seismic survey equipment in general. I have worked in this field for more than 30 years, and I travelled the world evaluating new equipment coming to the market, monitoring crew start-ups, and regularly managing a project from inception to execution, covering aspects as survey design; tender & award; and managing its execution in a safe and efficient manner
Working with Royal Dutch Shell for well more than 30 years I’ve held several research and operational jobs, both as staff member and as a team leader. I have been much involved in the development of novel seismic equipment as well as acquisition methods such as slip-sweep seismic acquisition for land vibroseis seismic. I have experience in running land seismic operations in jungle terrain as well as desert.
At the marine side my experience reaches from ‘straightforward’ 3D streamer surveys to surveys with Ocean Bottom Cables (OBC) and Ocean Bottom Node (OBN). The latter in different configurations such as ROV-deployed OBN operations in deep waters, or nodes-on-a-rope (NOAR) operations at intermediate and shallow water depths.
As Subject Matter Expert (SME) and later Principal Technical Expert (PTE) for seismic survey design, I expanded our the seismic survey toolset created by my predecessor(s), and jointly with a colleague developed an inhouse seismic survey design course.
When COVID-19 came along, I took the opportunity to apply for voluntary severance, giving me more time to pursue my hobbies and to work as in independent consultant in the area of Seismic Survey Design, as well as Software Development. Please feel free to contact me in case you are looking for someone with a similar skillset.